Laws are still in place today which make it illegal to 'imagine' the dissolution of the crown.

Laws are still in place today which make it illegal to ‘imagine’ the dissolution of the crown.

Calling for the abolition of the monarchy in the UK is illegal, it has been reported. It is one of those ancient 18th century laws that is yet to be repealed.

However, the problem is that although the Home Office insists that the law is no longer in existence, it appears as though it is. So why the dishonesty?

According to the law, to even “imagine” toppling the Queen or the abolition of the monarchy both remain punishable by life imprisonment in each and every country under the reign of the Queen, particularly in the UK.

All of this emerged after the announcement that a list of 309 offences due to be repealed before May 2014 mistakenly included a call for the abolition of the monarchy.

The government was quick to reiterate that it is still illegal to even “imagine” so and one that imagined getting rid of the crown could be imprisoned for life.

Although theoretically, one could still be sentenced to life for the crime of imagining the dissolution of the crown or waging war against the Queen, the last prosecution for such an ‘offence’ was in 1897.

A routine notice from the Home Office had suggested that Section 3 of the Treason Felony Act h1848 had been repealed – a claim that was prematurely welcomed by the campaign group, Republic.

Spokesperson Graham Smith, said: “We have long called for the repeal of this law and we are pleased that parliament now formally acknowledges that republicanism is a legitimate and mainstream point of view … we have repeatedly publicly and unequivocally called for the abolition of the monarchy without any legal threat.”

However, it has now been revealed that the law was not scrapped afterall – despite the government insisting that it was.

The Ministry of Justice said embarrassingly that it has been a mistake to announce that the law is scrapped, reiterating that republicanism still carries the title of crime punishable by life in prison.

Currently, over £38 million of taxpayers money goes to the monarchy which are currently completely unaccountable to the public, despite receiving public funding.

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