Science & Technology

Police and corporations unite to sell new iOS7 phone

Police and corporations unite to sell new iOS7 phone

Police forces in America have been asking residents to upgrade to the iPhone iOS7 it has emerged. In New York City, the NYC Police Department (NYPD) were stopping people and handing them a Public Awareness Notice” for “Apple users”. This notice was trying to convince people of the “security benefits” of upgrading to iOS7 iPhone and iPad devices. According to[Read More…]

Experts admit attempting to eradicate blue skies with chemtrails

Experts admit attempting to eradicate blue skies with chemtrails

Experts have admitted plans to spray the skies with sulphate aerosols in order to change the climate, it has emerged. Ben Kravitz of the Carnegie Institution for Science in Stanford, California claims that scientists are attempting to tackle global warming by covering the skies with the chemicals. He says that this would reflect more sun away from Earth and cool[Read More…]

Britain tops Russia and Uganda in Big Brother surveillance scandal

Britain tops Russia and Uganda in Big Brother surveillance scandal

Big brother is alive and well in Britain it seems after new data revealed that men and women in the UK are placed under more surveillance than those living in countries such as Russia, Serbia and Uganda. Facebook has published its first Transparency Report which tracks the amount of requests for personal data that the governments demand about their citizens[Read More…]

Government scientists to use laser beams to control weather

Government scientists to use laser beams to control weather

Government scientists have once again affirmed their plans to control the weather in a bid to stop it from raining. Scientists working on behalf of the Swedish government have published a paper outlining their proposals to disperse rain clouds or create “controlled showers”. In their paper, the researchers said that using lasers could guarantee a cloudless sky. They are set[Read More…]

Stress can change the shape of your brain, research shows

Stress can change the shape of your brain, research shows

The phrase ‘use your brain’ has taken on a whole new meaning, thanks to one pioneering scientist who has discovered how strong emotions such as stress or happiness can literally can change the shape of our brains. According to Rick Hanson, author of  Hardwiring Happiness: The New Brain Science of Contentment, Calm, and Confidence, the physical shape of the brain[Read More…]