Other News

Homeless man praised after saving cops life

A homeless man in San Francisco has been praised after saving a police officer’s life during an assault. The officer was working alone at the time and trying to arrest a woman who was spotted jumping up and down on cars on Monday. The suspect in turn attacked the officer. Raso says he saw the officer being beaten and calling[Read More…]

Homeless man gets new home and car after returning engagement ring

Homeless man gets new home and car after returning engagement ring

A homeless in America has turned his luck around with a new house and over $190,000 after returning an engagement ring. Billy Ray Harris had been living on the streets when Sarah Darling accidentally dropped her $4,000 into his change cup. Darling rarely takes the ring off, but she had put it in her purse that day for safekeeping after[Read More…]

Why plans to invade Syria will lead to thin red lines of bloodshed

Why plans to invade Syria will lead to thin red lines of bloodshed

          These plans to invade Syria are hardly a new thing. The US economy and therefore the true power base of the US is beginning to fade. The UK power base is also declining, as it is somewhat dependant on the US economy. Together these two countries see a declining window of opportunity for them to[Read More…]

Why have we allowed politicians to flip the debate on Syria?

Why have we allowed politicians to flip the debate on Syria?

Do you remember those little magic tricks that you probably saw at school, where someone would pick a card out of the pack, and then promptly make it disappear – and then reappear – as needed? Well, for some reason that is exactly what has come to mind when I see the propaganda machine in full swing over Syria. So[Read More…]

British PM suffers bloody nose over Syrian conflict while US renews its war-cry

British PM suffers bloody nose over Syrian conflict while US renews its war-cry

David Cameron has been defeated after his war-cry for Syria fell on deaf ears in the parliament. Despite trying to pull at the heart strings of the public by milking the chemical weapons attacks in the country for all they were worth, the bitter memories of being lied to over Iraq were all too fresh in the public psyche. Shortly[Read More…]