Esther Okada

Esther Okada

On the face of it, Esther Okade is an ordinary ten year old girl, who loves playing with her dolls and watching Disney films.

However, what sets Esther apart from all the rest is she is also a university undergraduate after starting a degree at the age of ten.

This makes Esther one of the UK’s youngest undergraduate students. She is currently studying at the Open University and in a short space of time has reached top of the class, scoring 100 per cent on a recent test.

Her six year old brother is already following in her footsteps and taking an A-level in maths.

Commenting on her daughter’s progress, Esther’s mother, Efe, said: “Applying to the university was an interesting process because of her age.
“We even had to talk to the vice-chancellor. After they interviewed her they realised that this has been her idea from the beginning. From the age of seven Esther has wanted to go to university.”

She continued: “”From the age of seven Esther has wanted to go to university.

“But I was afraid it was too soon. “She would say, ‘Mum, when am I starting?’, and go on and on and on. Finally, after three years she told me, ‘Mum I think it is about time I started university now.”

Mrs Okade added that Esther – who will study for her degree at home has ambitions to run a bank and become a millionaire.

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