Archive for July, 2013

Simeon Moore

Former gang member helps reduce crime in Birmingham

Imagine if peace was just a mile away. Imagine a world where young, urban kids who have been drawn into a life of crime, were finally able to see the light at the end of the tunnel and not only turn away from their former lifestyles, but to encourage others to do so aswell. Well for one former gang member,[Read More…]

Trayvon verdict highlights racial divides within the US

Trayvon verdict highlights racial divides within the US

In the last week, we’ve seen protests erupt after George Zimmerman was cleared of the murder of Trayvon Martin. Essentially, the law has upheld the view that ‘walking while black’ is a crime, if somebody interprets that as “cruising for burglaries”. The case has helped to highlight the deep racial divides that exist not only in the US but across[Read More…]

Levitation made possible through sound vibration

Levitation made possible through sound vibration

Whoever said levitation wasn’t possible was lying – and now it’s been scientifically proven. Well, sort of. Swiss scientists have invented a device which allows several objects to be levitated at a time – through the use of sound vibration. A toothpick, water droplets, coffee granules and bits of polystyrene are just some of the objects that have been flying[Read More…]

Kenyan woman challenges tradition to transform lives in her country

Kenyan woman challenges tradition to transform lives in her country

Education is often taken for granted in the Western world, especially in an age where teachers are restricted by the national curriculum which allows very little room for independent thought or alternative ways of thinking. Indeed one of the main criticisms of education in much of the Western world is that it is designed to produce obedient workers who will[Read More…]

New study highlights link between the moon and heart disease

New study highlights link between the moon and heart disease

Heart disease affects more than a million people in the UK each and every year and more than 147,000 people die from the disease annually, according to statistics published by the British Heart Foundation. Factors for the disease include bad diet, obesity, family history, diabetes, smoking, lack of exercise and age (55 or older for women). But there may be[Read More…]