Food Quality

Call to Expand Water Fluoridation in Nottinghamshire

Call to Expand Water Fluoridation in Nottinghamshire

Two health chiefs have submitted a letter to the government calling for an extension of the water fluoridation scheme in Nottinghamshire. Councillor John Doddy, chair of the Nottinghamshire Health and Wellbeing Board, and councillor Linda Woodings, chair of the Nottingham City Health and Wellbeing Board, along with their respective Directors of Public Health, Jonathan Gribbin and Lucy Hubber, are campaigning[Read More…]

New Study Links High Fluoride Levels to Lower IQ in Children

New Study Links High Fluoride Levels to Lower IQ in Children

In a startling new development, scientists have found a potential link between high fluoride levels in drinking water and lower IQ in children. A study conducted by Tulane University has ignited fresh debate over the safety of fluoride in our water supply.  By examining children in Ethiopia exposed to significantly high fluoride concentrations, researchers discovered troubling signs of cognitive impairment,[Read More…]

Dutch Farmers Resisting Forced Buyouts to Cut Emissions

Dutch Farmers Resisting Forced Buyouts to Cut Emissions

The Dutch government’s controversial plan to buy up and shut down thousands of farms in a bid to meet stringent EU greenhouse gas emissions targets is facing fierce resistance from farmers across the country. With the European Union demanding that the Netherlands reduce its emissions of nitrous oxide and ammonia by 50% by 2030, the government is pursuing an ambitious[Read More…]

Schools are increasingly banning children from bringing packed lunch

School Packed Lunch Ban Sparks Outrage From Parents

One primary school has found itself at the center of controversy as it takes the drastic step of banning packed lunches for children in Year 1 and Reception. This move has ignited fury among parents who see it as another example of the state school system overstepping its boundaries and infringing upon the rights of parents to provide their own[Read More…]

MPs have called for an inquiry after 21 South Asian women were fed radioactive chapatis

Trust the Science? The Untold Story of Asian Women Fed Radioactive Chapatis

Trust in medical professionals shattered as revelations of a harrowing experiment have emerged from the past.  Scientists are on a quest to locate a group of 21 South Asian women who unwittingly became part of a life-altering event in the 1960s. This deeply unsettling story centres around a study from 1969 where 21 women of Indian origin residing in Coventry[Read More…]