Steve Jobs never allowed his kids to use an iPad

Steve Jobs never allowed his kids to use an iPad

iPads have become one of the latest technological crazes to sweep the globe in recent years, along with the iPhone 6.

In fact, less than a week ago, newspapers were inundated with reports of long, endless queues outside of electronics stores as people battled to become the first to get their hands on the iPad.

However, the dangers of wireless radiation is well-known, and many of these new devices such as iPhones and iPads emit harmful radiation.

Indeed, as I sit here typing on my computer now, I can feel the warm and slightly itchy current of energy being emitted onto my hands from my laptop, despite placing a couple of pieces of orgonite around the machine.

Earlier this year, researchers from Georgetown University Hospital said that the constant use of mobile devices create problems with the vision and eye-related disorders, while a separate study from the National Sleep Foundation (NSF) found that smartphones and iPads are linked with insomnia.

The NSF study revealed how phones and other devices emit a “blue light” that works against the sleep process by interfering with melatonin, the chemical in our bodies that promotes sleepiness.

Added to that, you have their established use as a spying device. It was only a few months back when the British government officially passed a bill in which they outlined their plans to monitor all electronic communications of the public.

Many of these devices also contain GPS tracking systems and recording software that can be used to monitor the user.

So it is hardly surprising that so many parents are growing very wary of allowing their children to use iPads and other electronic equipment in the home.

One of those parents of course, was Steve Jobs. That’s right, the man who made billions manufacturing electronic items such as the iPad before he died, had explained how he did not allow his children to use the devices at home.

Recently, the New York Times unveiled the extent to which technocratic elites refuse to allow their children to use the devices which they spend millions marketing at middle class and lower class children.

A piece entitled “Steve Jobs Was a Low-Tech Parent,” featured an interview by the New York Times in which the late Mr Jobs explained his aversion to his invention.

In the piece, journalist Nick Bilton who by the sounds of it had many difficult conversations with the histrionic billionaire, said:

“But nothing shocked me more than something Mr. Jobs said to me in late 2010 after he had finished chewing me out for something I had written about an iPad shortcoming.

“‘So, your kids must love the iPad?’ I asked Mr. Jobs, trying to change the subject. The company’s first tablet was just hitting the shelves. ‘They haven’t used it,’ he told me. ‘We limit how much technology our kids use at home.’

“I’m sure I responded with a gasp and dumbfounded silence. I had imagined the Jobs’s household was like a nerd’s paradise: that the walls were giant touch screens, the dining table was made from tiles of iPads and that iPods were handed out to guests like chocolates on a pillow. ‘Nope’, Mr. Jobs told me, not even close.

“Since then, I’ve met a number of technology chief executives and venture capitalists who say similar things: they strictly limit their children’s screen time, often banning all gadgets on school nights, and allocating ascetic time limits on weekends.”

Unfortunately, it appears this particular journalist neglected to ask Mr Jobs why he didn’t allow his children to use the devices, which he had evidently gone out of his way to defend.

Crucially, Bilton added in his article: “Yet these tech CEO’s seem to know something that the rest of us don’t.”

It is interesting then, to see that some comprehensive schools in the UK actually require parents to purchase an expensive iPad.

However, it doesn’t end there. In a separate article, published by the same publication, in 2011, journalist Matt Richtel revealed how some charter schools where elites send their children restrict the use of computer monitors – a far cry from the practices of many ordinary, comprehensives and primaries.

According to the article: “The chief technology officer of eBay sends his children to a nine-classroom school here. So do employees of Silicon Valley giants like Google, Apple, Yahoo and Hewlett-Packard.

“But the school’s chief teaching tools are anything but high-tech: pens and paper, knitting needles and, occasionally, mud. Not a computer to be found. No screens at all. They are not allowed in the classroom, and the school even frowns on their use at home.”
In fact, the article goes on to say that for some of the upper echelons of society: computers and schools don’t mix.

It said: “While other schools in the region brag about their wired classrooms, the Waldorf school embraces a simple, retro look — blackboards with colorful chalk, bookshelves with encyclopedias, wooden desks filled with workbooks and No. 2 pencils.

“On a recent Tuesday, Andie Eagle and her fifth-grade classmates refreshed their knitting skills, crisscrossing wooden needles around balls of yarn, making fabric swatches. It’s an activity the school says helps develop problem-solving, patterning, math skills and coordination. The long-term goal: make socks.”

So why the double standards? Isn’t it more than a little curious how ordinary mums and dads are almost made to feel like bad parents for failing to get their kids the latest technological gadgets, while many of the inventors of these high-profile billionaires, simply refuse to let their own kids use them?

Ever wonder why?

However, author and former US Education Department Senior Policy Advisor Charlotte Thompson has a theory.

In her book, ‘The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America’, she states:”The call for a socialist America, of course, requires that the schools abandon traditional academic ‘teaching’ and substitute ‘workforce training’ or ‘technademics’ to accommodate the needs of a planned economy.”

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