Post Tagged with: "south africa"

Professor Jonathan Jansen was one of South Africa's first black Deans

‘Make love not war’ says South Africa’s first black Dean

Professor Jonathan Jansen knows more than anyone how hatred and conflict can lead to the complete destruction and colonisation of a country. He grew up during the apartheid era when a young black man from South Africa had no prospects and was very likely to end up in prison during the white minority rule. But that was not to be[Read More…]

Fannie Sebolela

Ex gardener turns impoverished school into one of South Africa’s best

The power of the human spirit has never failed to amaze. It is incredibly inspirational to hear about individuals who have singlehandedly helped to change their communities for the better. And why is this important? It is important because not only does it encourage others to do the same in a world where all we hear about is doom and[Read More…]