Post Tagged with: "tax"

George Osborne is considering proposals to introduce a new employment tax

Govt considering introduction of ‘unemployment tax’

Workers could be forced to pay an extra tax in order to be eligible for unemployment support if they lose their job, under new suggestions introduced recently. Chancellor George Osborne is currently considering plans to make workers pay at least £5 a week into a personal “welfare account” to get higher benefits if they lose their job. By higher benefits[Read More…]

HMRC awards itself new power to deduct £17k from your account

HMRC awards itself new power to deduct £17k from your account

The taxman has recently handed itself sweeping new powers to deduct £17,000 from British workers, it has been announced. HM Revenue & Customs will be able to take up to £17,000 from pay packets – compared to the current limit of £3,000. It will target those who it claims have underpaid income tax, capital gains tax or National Insurance contributions.[Read More…]

Taxman draws up additional plans to access your bank details

Taxman draws up additional plans to access your bank details

HMRC has awarded itself new powers to access your accounts for a year, it has been reported. The tax authority has drawn up plans to seize the account details of anyone who they claim may owe them some money. These new powers come just months after it announced that they can dip into the accounts of those it accuses of[Read More…]

Poor households pay more taxes than the super-wealthy

Poor households pay more taxes than the super-wealthy

Most people in the UK wrongly assume that the richer you are, the more tax you pay. A new study has helped to break down that myth and reveals that in actual fact, the truth is just the opposite. The less you earn, the greater proportion of your income in tax you pay. Sounds fair right? Right? A new study[Read More…]

HMRC to sell your details to the highest bidder

HMRC to sell your details to the highest bidder

HMRC plans to sell the public’s details to the highest bidder, it has recently been reported. The data of thousands of men and women across the country could be sold to private companies by HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC). This new move has prompted concerns over civil liberties and privacy. The government claims that the data will be anonymous, but[Read More…]