school meals

The Tories are considering plans to cut free school meals, it has been revealed.

George Osborne’s November Spending Review, is considering proposals to end policies in which free hot school meals are given to all schoolchildren between four and seven, a policy which was introduced by former Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg in 2014. It was estimated that it would cut costs to parents by £400 per year, per child.

Before 2014, those from disadvantaged families were entitled to free hot meals.

All of that may very well come to an end if these new policies are introduced.

According to Sky News, the government refused to rule out cutting the scheme, but a spokesperson said: “We believe that every child, regardless of their background, should have the same opportunities.

“That is at the heart of what we are doing with school food – no child should be hindered because they are not eating a nutritious meal at lunchtime.”

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