
Agenda 21 was adopted in Pas de Calais unanimously on 30 June 2008. It claims to offer 62 actions for the environment. They stipulate that, “Nobody can deny that today our lifestyle, our way of growth and development is not sustainable for all. Faced with the depletion of natural resources, deterioration of ecosystems to climate change, the disparities between nations and within these nations (poverty, illiteracy, malnutrition, poor sanitation, and economic inequality) your Department decided not to show any fatalism.”

The Department of the Pas-de-Calais is the authority responsible for governing that region, based in northern France.

In an attempt to sell its adoption of Agenda 21, the Department states: “By choosing to initiate a process of Local Agenda 21, the Department of the Pas-de-Calais engages in a real action plan to practice sustainable development [which] is synonymous with solidarity. The success of this first action program will require the mobilization of all: it is indeed all that we can do only in response to the ambition of our Departmental Strategic Project and provide for the region Pas-de-Calais a truly united future, [which is] innovative and long lasting.”

The people responsible for Agenda 21 in the region Pas de Calais are Dominique Dupilet, chairman of the Department and Hervé Poher, vice-president in charge of Agenda 21. These are the two men responsible for overseeing that the action plan is being put into place

It can be seen as a means of controlling and monitoring everything we do. Ofcourse, the authorities are planning to control us further. They are selling the term ecology as a means of convincing us. It is only by becoming aware of their agenda that we can really understand fully the future that we will be subjected too.

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