A young boy of 10 has proven that where there is a will – there is a way by playing the trumpet with his toes.
Jahmir Wallace is a fifth-grader at Green Street Elementary School who was born without arms. In September of last year, he played his first note on the brass using his toes and is now playing in Green Street Elementary School’s band.
Staff at the school collaborated with a local music store to customize a trumpet stand to hold the instrument in position for Wallace to maneuver the valves with his toes.
Wallace also uses his toes to play the guitar. Principal Raffaele LaForgia told WFMZ: “To see how he moves his toes like we move our fingers, it’s amazing.”
His inspiration for music is Stevie Wonder and he’s been wanting to play the trumpet ever since the third grade.
With hard work and an inspiring and positive attitude, Jahmir’s dream has become a reality.
He told WPTV: “My older sister used to play the piano. So I thought maybe I should try an instrument. I thought maybe I could try and figure out new things. ‘I kind of felt excited. I kind of felt like ‘oh man this is kind of comfortable’ and it kind of felt like this might be the one for me.”
He added that anyone who wants to play an instrument should try it, because they may end up loving it.
Wallace also uses his toes to play the guitar. He holds a pick between the toes of one foot and strums the strings with his other foot.
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