The cancer-causing chemical glyphosate has been found in a number of popular oat products.

In fact, almost all of the oat products examined by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) were found to contain the chemical.

Scott Faber, vice president of government affairs at EWG, said in a statement: “We’re very concerned that consumers are eating more glyphosate than they know.”

Out of 45 products “made with conventionally grown oats,” all but two were found to contain glyphosate. EWG also tested two organic brands, detecting the chemical in five samples.

Thirty-one of the breakfast foods were found to contain levels of glyphosate that were higher than the level that EWG deems safe for children.

Quaker Simply Granola, Giant Instant Oatmeal, Quaker Dinosaur Eggs Instant Oatmeal, and Quaker Steel Cut Oats had some of the highest levels of the chemical.

Monsanto, the maker of Roundup, claims that glyphosate and Roundup are not unsafe for humans—but a jury in California vehemently disagreed with them last week, ruling in favor of a man who blamed Roundup for causing his cancer.

The company was ordered to pay $289 million in damages to Dewayne Johnson, who worked for years as a school groundskeeper in California.

Thousands of farm workers and others who have come into contact with Roundup are reportedly also preparing to take legal action against the company after developing cancer.

Alexis Temkin, Ph.D, a toxicologist at EWG, said: “Parents shouldn’t worry about whether feeding their children healthy oat foods will also expose them to a chemical linked to cancer. The government must take steps to protect our most vulnerable populations.”

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