Business & Finance

Brits could pay 10% tax on assets under new proposal

Brits could pay 10% tax on assets under new proposal

The IMF world bank is proposing a ten per cent wealth tax on all households in the UK and the rest of the Eurozone. What this would mean is men and women having to pay a levy on the total value of their accumulated assets, including their properties, cash, bank deposits, money funds, and savings in insurance and pension plans.[Read More…]

The question of how money is created will be debated in parliament for the first time in 170 years

MPs to debate the banking system in parliament for the first time in 170 years!

This week, one of the most important debates in the 21st century is set to take place in parliament. Campaigners from Positive Money have been successful in persuading MPs to bring the question of how money is created, what usury is, and information about the fiat system into mainstream public debate. The discussion will be entitled ‘Money Creation and society[Read More…]

George Osborne is considering proposals to introduce a new employment tax

Govt considering introduction of ‘unemployment tax’

Workers could be forced to pay an extra tax in order to be eligible for unemployment support if they lose their job, under new suggestions introduced recently. Chancellor George Osborne is currently considering plans to make workers pay at least £5 a week into a personal “welfare account” to get higher benefits if they lose their job. By higher benefits[Read More…]

HMRC awards itself new power to deduct £17k from your account

HMRC awards itself new power to deduct £17k from your account

The taxman has recently handed itself sweeping new powers to deduct £17,000 from British workers, it has been announced. HM Revenue & Customs will be able to take up to £17,000 from pay packets – compared to the current limit of £3,000. It will target those who it claims have underpaid income tax, capital gains tax or National Insurance contributions.[Read More…]

Taxman draws up additional plans to access your bank details

Taxman draws up additional plans to access your bank details

HMRC has awarded itself new powers to access your accounts for a year, it has been reported. The tax authority has drawn up plans to seize the account details of anyone who they claim may owe them some money. These new powers come just months after it announced that they can dip into the accounts of those it accuses of[Read More…]