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They say you can tell alot about a person by looking at their photograph – but now scientists have found a way of discovering even more – by tracking the location of any photograph.

Granted, in some cases the picture itself may give clues as to where it was taken – but not always. Now  computer scientists at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh in America, have discovered a program which can scans the scene on a photo, noting colors, textures and lines, and uses these elements to compare it to more than six million images previously tagged with locations on online databases.

Currently, it is claimed that the program has an average success rate of 16 percent, which although it may not sound like much, is 30 times better than random chance or a human guess.

Predictably, this new technology is already being eyed by military and police, and is linked with GPS technology.

It could also have implications for photos posted on social media sites, dating sites and other websites, as it makes it easier for both authorities and computer-savvy individuals to be able to track those who have either taken or are in the picture.

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