Jamal pictured with police officers, after saving Officer  Franklin Foulks

Jamal pictured with police officers, after saving Officer Franklin Foulks

A new video has surfaced of a Florida teen who helped to save a policeman’s life, while handcuffed in a police station.

The CCTV footage shows Jamal Rutledge kicking the security fence and screaming to alert other officers that their colleague was ill when the arresting officer Franklin Foulks fell to the ground.

Rutledge had been charged with criminal mischief and burglary when officer Rutledge suffered from a heart attack.

His quick thinking led to the 49-year-old receiving life saving CPR in time.

Sergeant Todd Bunin removed Foulks’ police gear and cut off his shirt, while Officer Robert Norvis administered the life-saving technique.

A third officer used a defibrillator to revive Foulkes.

Commenting on the incident, a police spokesperson, said: “It just goes to show good can come from a bad situation. If it wasn’t for Jamal’s quick think officer Foulks wouldn’t be here today.”

The teenager and three officers will be publicly commended for their actions at a meeting of the Fort Lauderdale City Commission later this month.

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