This week the tragic death of 21-year-old Chloe Middleton was reported by the national news as yet another coronavirus death.
She was incorrectly recorded as one of the youngest coronavirus victims with no pre-existing conditions.
It was used as one example of why young people should not be complacent about the disease.
The only problem was that she never actually tested positive for the disease.
According to the Guardian, her death has not actually been recorded as a Covid-19 death:
“Middleton was taken to Wexham Park hospital in Slough last weekend after she had a heart attack. Attempts to resuscitate her failed and she was pronounced dead soon after arriving… A Berkshire coroner said the death was related to Covid-19 after being told Middleton had a cough, the source said. But this surprised medics at the hospital, who have not recorded it as a coronavirus incident.”
The lady had previously suffered from asthma, but was unfortunately not considered a priority when she called the ambulance.
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