Channel tunnel Eurostar Eurotunnel train

Major disruption has been planned at Calais main ports and euro services. Officials have called a 24 hour protest to block both the port of Calais and Eurotunnel. The demonstrations are over the way the government has handled immigration in Calais. When this mass demonstration will take place is currently unknown.

Local businesses and officials of both the town hall and police have called upon all local residents to protest. However, what they don’t realize is that all these demonstrations over migrants is going to cause more harm than good.

Hundreds more people will suffer at the hands of European bureaucrats. Europe doesn’t care. If they did this problem would not have gotten out of hand.

The next few months look grim. It is advisable for all Brits wishing to come to France to avoid Calais. It is better to go to Dunkirk where there is currently no threats to transport.

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