vaccinations, jab, cervical cancer,

Zara Beattie was once a promising football player. She is now in a wheelchair, following a vaccination. Her parent’s say the jab caused her illness.

A teenager from Cumbria has been left permanently disabled and “feeling like an 80 year old” after having the HPV vaccine, it has been reported.

Zara Beattie, 13, from Wigan was once a promising football and netball player.

However, she began began struggling for breath in a PE lesson in January last year soon after having the vaccine.

Initially, her family thought she may have had asthma but soon Zara started having other health problems, such as heart palpitations, dizziness, weakness and tiredness.

She was then diagnosed with PoTS – postural tachycardia syndrome – which makes her heart race. Shortly after that she was unable to leave the house without a wheelchair and is home-schooled. Even eating a simple meal leaves her tired and weak.

Her mum, Anthea who is a nurse, and her husband Ian, 54, an engineer, believe Zara’s condition was triggered by the vaccine.

Anthea said in an interview with the Daily Mail: “I have been a nurse for 30 years and I have never heard or seen anything like this before. There are so many young girls now who are in the same position. I don’t believe it is a coincidence. Zara played football and she was very fit. She was full of life. She was a very active girl with a nice circle of friends.

“Now all that has changed. She has horrendous heart palpitations and horrific pain – chest pain, severe headaches and sometimes whole body pain. On a bad day the poor girl can’t even stand up. She will stay in bed all day and crawl to the toilet. She’s got a stool by the sink for when she cleans her teeth.

“It has been horrendous. She said to me, ‘Mum, I would rather be dead than like this’. She is 13 and she said, ‘I feel like somebody put me in an 80-year-old’s body’.’ Everything is so much effort for her – she has no energy whatsoever. If we do do something it knocks her out for three days afterwards. She is like a little old lady.”

Zara was vaccinated with Gardasil at The Nelson Thomlinson School in Wigton in October 2015. She has since been treated for PoTS at University of Newcastle Royal Victoria Infirmary where doctors are unable to say what caused her illness. The vaccine is routinely offered to schoolgirls aged 12 and 13 and more than eight million across the UK have been vaccinated in the past eight years.

When interviewed by reporters, Zara said she has crippling headaches and severe muscle and joint pain.

She said that she was worried about her future: “ My friends are choosing their GCSEs and they’re concerned about what they’re going to do. I don’t know how I’m going to be in five minutes let alone five years. It has changed everything. I don’t want anyone else to have to deal with what I’m going through.”

However, health authorities around the world claim the jab protects girls from cervical cancer and is not linked to any chronic disease.

But Ms Beattie, a Macmillan hospice nurse, is among a growing group of skeptics calling for better information for parents and more research into the vaccination. They are one of 400 families supposedly represented by the UK Association of Vaccine Injured Daughters, which campaigns for the government to review the effects of some jabs.

Ms Beattie said: “The drug company are adamant that there are no side effects but that is rubbish. I want them to come and see my daughter who used to play football and run around, and used to have a life.”

In December 2016, another teenager, 16 year old Ruby Shallom was left paralysed in three limbs and in hospital on a drip after having the vaccination as part of a routine NHS programme.

Just weeks after being vaccinated, she started suffering from dizziness, pain and fatigue and is virtually bed-bound. She also lost sensation in both legs.

Doctors claim they were unable to find evidence of disease and said that Ruby’s condition was all in her mind and purely psychological.

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