Over the last few days the world had witnessed one of the most horrific storms in history. A super typhoon by the name of Haiyan that hit the Philippines reached an intensity never measured to date with other hurricanes which had hit countries across the world.
Therefore it has started to raise several questions, as one witness thousands lying buried under rubble. Each storm passes appears to be getting stronger, and stronger.
This is the most powerful storm measured since weather records were ever made. Never before on earth, has one seen winds over 360 km / h. It can be said without a doubt that this is one of the most violent typhoons since weather monitoring was able to estimate the power of cyclones at sea in the 1970s. Before that date, they were only able to measure those which touched the ground, because it was difficult to estimate the intensity of winds at sea.
Before this latest typhoon, the most severe cyclones known to date include Hurricane Camille that swept through the Gulf of Mexico with winds of up to 305 km / hour in 1969, followed by typhoon Tip in the Pacific Ocean which also had winds measuring 305 km / h.
Typhoon Haiyan has now reached Halong Bay in Vietnam with winds of up to 210 km / h, but the winds will decrease rapidly in the coming hours and the typhoon is expected to continue north and arrive in China on Monday with winds no more than 120km / h, thus making it a tropical depression.
However for the thousands of victims in the Philippines, the West has been sending a convoy of aid. It will only be a matter of time before they can reconstruct their lives, and try to get back to normal as quickly as possible. This is certainly one of the most damaging typhoons in modern history. It is only a matter of time until the next one hits. Until then one can only watch, wait and pray that it will not happen as we continue in our everyday lives.
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