Post Tagged with: "weird news"

Finding Light in Life’s Darkest Moments

Finding Light in Life’s Darkest Moments

Amina’s life has been marked by hardship, resilience, and an unwavering belief in the power of healing. Through years of health struggles and personal challenges, she has transformed pain into purpose, emerging as both a survivor and a guide for others on their own healing journeys. Living with spontaneous pneumothorax (collapsed lung) and rheumatoid arthritis, Amina has endured years of[Read More…]

UFOs: A myth or reality?

UFOs: A myth or reality?

It has recently been reported that the CIA made claims to being responsible for over half of the sightings between the late 1950’s and 60’s. How this could be possible was the result of the American Intelligence service famous U-2 spy plane flying above altitudes of 60,000 feet. The American intelligence service has laid claims to being responsible for more[Read More…]