
Why I Am NOT Left-wing or Right-wing

Why I Am NOT Left-wing or Right-wing

This isn’t likely to be a popular article. Blogs that attack ‘both sides’ very rarely are.  We all like easy answers. Nobody likes a fence sitter. In the minds of some people, those who don’t take a position are too apathetic to decide properly, or are bedwetters that are too scared to choose. You’re either left-wing or right-wing, and your[Read More…]

Scientists have apparently disproven the very idea of reality itself

10 Things That Sound Like Conspiracy Theories But Actually Aren’t

I like a good conspiracy theory. It has always fascinated me to ponder about why people believe in the Men in Black, little green men, and chemtrails. Apparently, according to some, the Queen of England is secretly a 6-foot giant reptilian lizard that wants to eat us all for dinner! Oh Lizzie, how could you? Oh and don’t forget the[Read More…]

Homeopathic Medicine: Why isn’t it taken seriously?

Homeopathic Medicine: Why isn’t it taken seriously?

A debate involving medicine is never too far from the lips of the doubters, but it’s rare that you hear about it in the mainstream media, the news source of just about everyone. The vaccination debate, for one, has only ever been mentioned disparagingly, if at all, while the legitimate voices who believe they can be harmful are never heard[Read More…]

Has World War Three begun?

Has World War Three begun?

It is one of the hardest things to imagine in our lifetime, but with the war against terrorism and Daesh one has to ask the question has world war three already begun. The recent news events make depressing reading. We hear each day how Syrians are being bombarded by allies in the fight against Daesh, and then Daesh responds with[Read More…]

Monsanto vs. Organic

Monsanto vs. Organic

Finally people seem to be waking up to the reality of how big corporations are controlling what we eat and have started to refuse to eat the processed muck that comes out of our industrial plants. In recent months it has been reported that there is now a shift towards organic food, and consumers are now seeking more health-conscious alternatives.[Read More…]