The deputy chairman of the UK Independence Party, Neil Hamilton, speaks at the party's annual conference in central London

A UKIP candidate has been exposed as having been of a club that wants to restore white, colonial rule across Africa.

UKIP MP Neil Hamilton, the Ukip deputy chairman and would-be election candidate, was pictured standing beside a flag that stood for racist oppression during apartheid in South Africa, in a photo taken by the Independent.

Taken just four years after Nelson Mandela’s election ended decades of brutal apartheid, Neil Hamilton was photographed in 1998 at the Springbok club, which flies the racist flag.

Alan Harvey, founder and secretary of the club, is a former National Front member from Kent who described Mandela as an evil terrorist and said: “May his soul rot in hell”.

Speaking of Neil Hamilton’s appearance at the 1998 meeting, Mr Harvey wrote: “Mr. Hamilton gave a riveting keynote speech in which he recalled his own fond memories of South Africa during the era of civilised rule. He also expressed great pleasure at seeing the true South African flag proudly on display… and expressed the hope that one day it would be seen flying in Cape Town and Pretoria once again.”

Mr Harvey told the Independent that the club’s stated aim was to restore white, “civilised rule” across the African continent. Of course, all of this would be perpetuated by non-native immigrants, at the expense of the original and current inhabitants of the continent.

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