Police dished out a brutal beating to 84 year old Kang Wong for jaywalking

Police dished out a brutal beating to 84 year old Kang Wong for jaywalking

An 84 year old man was beaten black and blue by police officers for crossing the road before the green man came on.

In America, it is illegal to cross the road before you are told to. And Kang Wong was strolling north on Broadway and crossing 96th Street at around 5pm, before a cop told him to halt.

Wong – who is slightly deaf – lived a block away, appeared to not understand the cop, witnesses reported.

Ian King, a Fordham University law student, said: “The guy didn’t seem to speak English. The cop walked him over to the Citibank. [The officer] stood him up against the wall and was trying to write him a ticket. The man didn’t seem to understand, and he started walking away.
“The cop tried to pull him back, and that’s when he began to struggle with the cop. As soon as he pushed the cop, it was like cops started running in from everywhere.”

The 84 year old pensioner was left dazed and bloodied after the attack, and had to be hospitalised as a result.

His 41-year-old son, a lawyer who would not give his name, first said at the station house Sunday night that he did not wish to discuss his feelings about the incident, due to the presence of the cops.

But walking away, he later told reporters: “The cops are playing games. They won’t tell me what he’s being charged with.”

He first heard about the violent fracas, after cops rang him to ask if his dad required medication, but refused to say which hospital he was being held. He then went to the station house and was fobbed off once again.

Finally, he managed to find out by himself that his dad had been arrested for jaywalking.
“Oh, great! Beating up on an 84-year-old man for jaywalking,” he said.
Neither the hospital nor the cops would allow him to see his dad until after 10 pm, explaining that since he’d not been admitted, he was not a patient, but a “prisoner.’”

Mr Wong was fingerprinted, charged for jaywalking, resisting arrest, obstructing governmental administration and disorderly conduct. He was also given a ticket.

His family said they were thinking of pressing charges. The New York Post reported that the violence had unfolded in front of several news reporters, who had been at the intersection on that day.

NYPD officials said “the incident is under internal review.”
Police in New York City are currently on a money-making spree of ticketing jaywalkers to the tune of $250 per offense. Billed as a way of of “serving and protecting the public”, this is part of ‘Vision Zero’, a program introduced in Sweden that purports to reduce traffic fatalities.

Ironically, the Mayor’s office said that the program is in place to make the streets of New York City safer.

Now citizens – including the mentally handicapped or disabled – can be assured that cops will do everything in their power to beat them up if they put their own safety at risk, even if they are unwell.

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