Abu Hamza was an MI5 agent all along

Abu Hamza was an MI5 agent all along

After all the terror and hysteria meted out by the mainstream media over jihadist preachers like Abu Hamza, it is somewhat unsurprising to learn that he was an MI5 agent all along.

The facts unravelled in a New York courtroom after Hamza’s lawyer, Joshua Dratel, revealed the Scotland Yard documents proving the cleric was an MI5″intermediary.”

Abu Hamza was groomed since 1997, well before 9/11 and the war on terror. Following that, a series of insidious attempts to recruit Hamza and infiltrate the mosque he was part of began.

These facts did not prevent him from being found guilty of supporting terrorism by the New York court.

However, Abu Hamza is not the only high-profile hate-preacher with more than a few links to MI5.

One of the men who was convicted of killing Lee Rigby also had links to MI5. The mainstream media reported that on May 22nd 2013, soldier Lee Rigby was hacked to death. The reports varied a little – some news reports claimed he was beheaded, others said that he was hacked to death.

The weapon of choice also varied from a machete to an axe in various reports. It was then reported that ten people were wanted in connection with the killing, after information was leaked by the police.

Now it appears that only two were involved. One of those two is a man by the name of Michael Adebolajo, who was approached by MI5 in 2010.

Naturally, MI5 and Scotland Yard’s anti-terror police initially tried to cover-up the fact that Adebolajo was brought to Britain by MI5.

However, his boyhood friend Abu Nusaybah revealed all of this on BBC’s Newsnight. He was later arrested shortly after his revelation.

The list goes on. Haroon Aswat was alleged to have been in touch with all four of the alleged 7/7 bombers.

He remains locked up indefinitely in a psychiatric hospital. Former FBI Special Prosecutor John Loftus alleged on TV in late July 2005 that he believed Aswat was an MI6 ‘double agent’.

Law enforcement and official agencies have a long and chequered history of trying to recruit activists.

Barely a year goes by when we do not hear reports of officers trying to harass activists into spying on others in their movements.

While there have been some who have been savvy enough to capture this on camera, others have not been so lucky and instead end up embroiled in a dangerous game that they have little or no control over.


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