
Govt Confirms The Use of Child Spies Under Covert Intelligence Laws

Govt Confirms The Use of Child Spies Under Covert Intelligence Laws

Child spies could be used to keep surveillance on their parents and other adults in their lives, thanks to a new Act that was given the green light this month. Dubbed as one of the most disturbing pieces of legislation in British history, the Covert Human Intelligence Sources Act (CHIS) will allow the police and other government authorities to use[Read More…]

Scientists raise doubts over coronavirus vaccine

Scientists raise doubts over coronavirus vaccine

Concerns are growing over the safety and efficacy of a Covid-19 vaccine, it has been reported. According to an article published in the scientific journal Nature, researchers have warned that vaccines could “stumble on safety trials, be fast-tracked because of politics or fail to meet the public’s expectations”. Several scientists have expressed concerns about whether the vaccines will clear safety[Read More…]

Covid-19 vaccine manufacturers given legal protection from liability

Covid-19 vaccine manufacturers given legal protection from liability

Pfizer and other drug manufacturers have been given legal protection by the British government over its unlicensed vaccines, it has been revealed. The legislative changes for the COVID-19 vaccine are largely due to the Human Medicines Regulations 2012 in relation to licencing medicines. Changes to the regulation 174 of the Human Medicines Regulations, gives the MHRA scope to grant a[Read More…]

Coronavirus Act: Arbitrary Detentions, Forced Medication, Unexplained Deaths, Mass Surveillance and More

Coronavirus Act: Arbitrary Detentions, Forced Medication, Unexplained Deaths, Mass Surveillance and More

Forced medication…no investigation into suspicious deaths, compulsory detention of anyone – including children – for an indeterminate time…it all sounds like a scenario from a bad dystopian movie doesn’t it? However, all of the above have been included as part of the Coronavirus Act, which was signed into law on March 25th. Although it is called the Coronavirus Bill, it[Read More…]

Police Encourage Public To Report Their Neighbours

Police Encourage Public To Report Their Neighbours

Police are encouraging Brits to snitch on their neighbours if they leave the house more than once. Humberside, West Midlands, Greater Manchester, and Avon and Somerset Police have created a mixture of ‘hotlines’ and ‘online portals’ where people can submit tip-offs if anyone is suspected of breaking the lockdown rules. Nosy neighbours are being asked to fill out an online[Read More…]