
What is the point of work?

Following Cat Reilly’s victory over the DWP, which found the workfare scheme forcing her to give up her voluntary role at a museum in order to stack shelves in Poundland for no wage, the workfare debate has re-arisen. Iain Duncan Smith isn’t deterred; he says the problem is that some people think they are “too good to do this sort[Read More…]

Could a Lib Dem win in Eastleigh be a turning point for the party?

If you hate the Lib Dems and desperately want to see them humiliated, it would be hard to orchestrate a better set of circumstances than the Eastleigh by-election. Chris Huhne, his personal life poked and prodded in the papers, resigned with very little integrity left, denying his guilt for as long as he could get away with before pleading guilty[Read More…]

FDA confirm cancer-causing poison found in chicken

FDA confirm cancer-causing poison found in chicken

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA)  has admitted that chicken feed contains a cancer-causing poison, arsenic, it has emerged.  The FDA said that a study developed by the agency shows that an ingredient in chicken feed which contains arsenic, called Roxarsone, makes its way into parts of the bird that are eaten. However, they also claimed that the levels of[Read More…]

Tom Broadwell

Top sales guy and movie star turns to personal training

How do you go from making no money at all to being one of the top salespeople in the world and making your very own movie? Ask Tom Broadwell. Tom Broadwell 28, is a self-employed entrepreneur who runs his very own personal training and sales business. He works just ten hours a week and is already on his way to[Read More…]

Ethiopian Jews were forcibly sterilised in Israel

Israeli government acknowledges forced contraception on Ethiopian women

Israel has acknowledged that Ethiopian jews were forced to take birth control pills, it has been revealed. The women were pressured or in many cases, forced to undergo injections of the contraceptive Depo-Provera in exchange for citizenship and healthcare. It has since emerged that many of the women who were given these injections in both Israel and in transit camps[Read More…]