Employees of the company Global Protection, who are in charge of monitoring an area of​rail freight at Eurotunnel, didn’t control freight trains bound for the UK earlier this month. The reason for their strike was due to the fact that they are at the end of their contract between their company and the company Réseau Ferré de France. On May 31 2014, 28 redundancies will be announced.

This area has been the subject of high contention, because of the presence of immigrants seeking to slip onto routes used by freight trains to go to England.  An employee of the company told the Voix du Nord, French local newspaper, “Friday night, we found five people trying to slip in-between the trains, all we want is keep our jobs. And that the company respects the collective agreement. If Eurotunnel has to monitor the area, then they should hire us”. The Global Protection employees gathered last Monday evening at the site entrance to denounce the decision for forced redundancy.

However, the cargo site does not fall within the concession area managed by Eurotunnel. The rail federation RFF indicates that the site has always been monitored by the gendarmes situated close to the council buildings in Fréthun, and that they have installed CCTV. It is for this reason that RFF has ended the contract with Global Protection.

Meanwhile the RFF report prepared by the regulatory authority of railway operations (ARAF) in May 2012, stated that, “the provision of monitoring is not within RFF, but the state.”

Earlier this month, freight trains were not controlled. Employees of Global Protection announced that they will go on strike again. “We let nothing go, whether to block the site day and night, we will. We have nothing to lose.”

This could cause a lot of embarrassment problems for immigration if this problem isn’t solved quickly. The number of illegal immigrants is on the rise, and it will only get worse if something isn’t done sooner rather than later.

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