
Google has come under fire for a controversial new spying feature that can track a user’s entire search history and determine their location.

Its Timeline service, available on both mobiles and laptops allow users of the firm’s online maps to see the places they frequent most often.

The service can even look through pictures to find those users have taken at each location.

The firm’s Gerard Sanz said in a blog post: “Have you ever wanted a way to easily remember all the places you’ve been – whether it’s a museum you visited during your last vacation or that fun bar you stumbled upon a few months ago?

“Well, Google Maps can help. We’re gradually rolling out Your Timeline, a useful way to remember and view the places you’ve been on a given day, month or year. Your Timeline allows you to visualize your real-world routines, easily see the trips you’ve taken and get a glimpse of the places where you spend your time.”

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