Other News

Protesters in Bulgaria force government to resign

Protesters in Bulgaria force government to resign

Bulgarian prime minister Boiko Borisov was forced to resign following protests in the country, it has emerged. Nationwide protests erupted after high electricity bills and austerity measures left many Bulgarians deeply unhappy over soaring energy costs, power monopolies, low living standards and corruption. The government lost further support after it abandoned plans in March 2012 to build a new nuclear[Read More…]

[Second from Left, Karen Buckland and daughter]

Good samaritan Karen Buckland risks her life to save neighbour

A good samaritan has been branded a hero after risking her own life to rescue a neighbour from a burning car. Mother-of-six Karen Buckland 39, has been commended for her bravery after pulling the 49-year driver from his burning bentley after she found him slumped at the wheel of his car. Meanwhile her 15 year old daughter was on the[Read More…]

Bernard Hogan-Howe

Police chief calls for mandatory drug testing

Met police chief Bernard Hogan-Howe has called for mandatory drug testing of all workers, it has been revealed. In a recent speech made to an all-parliamentary group on cannabis and children, the Met police commissioner called for mandatory drug testing to be implemented in workplaces across the country, particularly for those in the teaching or nursing professions. Under the proposed[Read More…]

Patrick Lynch

Disabled man sues government after bungled ATOS examination

A disabled man has launched a court case against ATOS after he was wrongly found fit for work under the government’s disability assessment scheme. Patrick Lynch, a former social care worker was forced to quit his job because of a brain condition which needed surgery. He is suing both the government and ATOS over the benefits test, after being wrongly[Read More…]

What is the point of work?

Following Cat Reilly’s victory over the DWP, which found the workfare scheme forcing her to give up her voluntary role at a museum in order to stack shelves in Poundland for no wage, the workfare debate has re-arisen. Iain Duncan Smith isn’t deterred; he says the problem is that some people think they are “too good to do this sort[Read More…]