Post Tagged with: "law"

Deputy William Strong was the man who ordered the illegal and sexually intrusive search

Texas woman subjected to cavity search by police officers in car park

A Texas woman claims she was strip-searched and forced to submit to a cavity search at a gas station parking lot in full view of passers by. Charneshia Corley, 21, was pulled over for allegedly rolling through a stop sign near the corner of Ella and Barren Springs in June. What was reported to have happened next is like something[Read More…]

Australian woman forcibly strip searched and paraded naked by police

Australian woman forcibly strip searched and paraded naked by police

  An Australian woman was forcibly strip-searched by both male and female police officers and then paraded naked around the police station, it has been revealed. Joanne Martin had tried to to help her boyfriend during a fight with a group of people in Northbridge in Western Australia, when she was arrested by the police for disorderly behaviour. Despite the[Read More…]

Deaths in custody at an all-time high

Deaths in custody at an all-time high

Deaths in police custody are at their highest level for five years, it has been revealed. The figures from the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) show that 17 people died in or following detention by the police in 2014-15 – six more than during the previous year. The last time the figure was higher was in 2010-11 when it stood[Read More…]

David Cameron: The government should interfere more in people’s lives

David Cameron: The government should interfere more in people’s lives

The government should interfere more in people’s lives, according to the British prime minister David Cameron. He announced that Britain is “too passively tolerant” and should not be allowing people to go about their lives as they please. In order to crack down on terrorism, or  minority “extremist” views that differed from Britain’s consensus, the government needs to get a[Read More…]

Privacy at risk as Snoopers Charter is resurrected

Privacy at risk as Snoopers Charter is resurrected

The Snoopers Charter has been resurrected into British law, after plans to update communications data legislation were introduced in the Queen’s Speech on May 27th. Although the full details unveiled in the proposed Investigatory Powers Bill have yet to be revealed, it has been announced that the government plans to extend the scope of the bill beyond the previous version[Read More…]