Post Tagged with: "mobile phones"

New smartphones created with expiration date

New smartphones created with expiration date

A number of new smartphones are being created with a built-in expiration date, it has emerged. One such mobile is the Galaxy S6 which has been designed to prevent users from being able to access the battery or MicroSD slot inside. In fact, a number of popular high street brands have designed their smartphones in such a way. Essentially it[Read More…]

Privacy and security of sim cards ‘compromised by security flaw’

Privacy and security of sim cards ‘compromised by security flaw’

The privacy and security of over half a million sim cards could be compromised, thanks to a series of “security flaws” which was uncovered recently. According to German security expert, Karsten Nohl, a cryptographer, the flaw could potentially enable hackers to send hidden text messages to affected handsets and infect them with a virus – regardless of what operating system[Read More…]

Mark of the beast? Motorola unveils plans to insert barcodes and pills into consumers in place of smartphone passwords

Mark of the beast? Motorola unveils plans to insert barcodes and pills into consumers in place of smartphone passwords

So you’ve just bought a brand new smartphone. Imagine the perfect smartphone, with every one of the all-singing, all-dancing gadgets that you can think of. There’s only one catch. You have to either getting a tattoo or swallowing a daily pill in order to access the information on that phone. Sounds crazy right? Maybe. But that is exactly what Motorola[Read More…]