
Justin Trudeau Admires China Dictatorships?

Justin Trudeau Admires China Dictatorships?

In 2013, the Liberal candidate who was, at the time, running for Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau made a comment that propelled the Asian-Canadian community to demand an apology from him. During a Liberal “Ladies Night” meet and greet and fundraiser in Toronto, he was asked what nation he looked up to the most besides Canada.  To this prompt,[Read More…]

Pfizer Vaccine Data Leak Unveils Disturbing Side-Effects and Fatal Diseases

Pfizer Vaccine Data Leak Unveils Disturbing Side-Effects and Fatal Diseases

A Pfizer vaccine data leak has exposed the dangerous side-effects associated with taking the jab. The leak comes after the FDA agreed to withhold the Pfizer documents for 75 years. However, despite receiving FDA approval to withhold the vaccine data for 75 years, it has since been confirmed that the Pfizer vaccine reports were leaked anyway. The document was leaked due[Read More…]

Is Social Media a Gateway to Hard Drugs? Study Suggests It Is

Is Social Media a Gateway to Hard Drugs? Study Suggests It Is

Dealing with an addiction of any kind is an uphill battle for anyone that struggles with it. Regardless of what that addiction is, deciding to kick it to the curb is one thing, but to actually do it is another.  When it comes to social media addiction, however, just how serious is it? There are studies that have suggested that[Read More…]

Tech Firms Are Creating Mind-Reading Technology

Tech Firms Are Creating Mind-Reading Technology

Internet users are increasingly finding that the ads that they see online are of products which they are interested in.  It appears that the internet companies are reading the minds of the internet users to show them relevant products.  Many people are confused about how internet giants like Google, Facebookand Amazon are getting this information, and some are also worried. [Read More…]

The State of Booster Jabs In England, boosters

The State of Booster Jabs In England, boosters

Booster jabs that were supposed to be utilized in England for the pre-Christmas vaccination program of the Prime Minister have been largely unused and are nearing their expiration dates. Up to 30 percent of people were unable to fulfill their vaccination appointments and this is causing some worries for the government because the unused vaccines will be due for the[Read More…]