Business & Finance

Barmy weather takes the nation by storm

Barmy weather takes the nation by storm

Thursday’s high winds could be felt as it spelt the end of the Autumn sun, and the return to below average temperatures. Over the last few days, two motorists were killed in storms that swept across Great Britain. Gales lashed out across southern England, forcing an end to the sun, and blowing away the Indian summer. Several hours later the[Read More…]

Michael Giles

Former military veteran told ‘Stand Your Ground’ does not apply to him

Yet another failed case of Stand Your Ground has made waves in America, after an African-American man was jailed for his part in defending himself against an unprovoked attack. Michael Giles, an ex-military service veteran was sentenced to 25 years despite the fact that his attacker had openly admitted to attacking him for no reason in court. Nobody was killed[Read More…]

Prime Minister Viktor Orban

Hungary gives the boot to IMF bankers

It has recently been reported that Hungary has paid off all of its loans to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and has since begun the process of ejecting IMF bankers from the country. Very few countries in the world have managed to escape the clutches of the IMF, but the nation, under the leadership of Prime Minister Viktor Orban, has[Read More…]

Deanna Black

Advertising feature: Hypnotherapist helps boosts confidence and tackles stress

“Believe in your words” – Deanna Black Low-self esteem and stress is unfortunately all too prevalent in today’s societies, where we are constantly bombarded with advertisements and magazine features about how to make ourselves look more beautiful. Is it any wonder that we see the rise of depression, mental health issues such as anorexia and excess stress, when all we[Read More…]

Ruled by a monarchy? Prince Charles attempts to influence UK laws again through secret meetings

Ruled by a monarchy? Prince Charles attempts to influence UK laws again through secret meetings

The royal family may have more influence over the laws in the UK than previously thought, it has emerged. Tory MP Tim Loughton has been forced to come to the defence of Prince Charles after he was accused of trying to influence policy during secret meetings with ministers which have since become public. Charles was accused of political interference after[Read More…]