Kam Brock

Kam Brock

A routine traffic stop turned into a nightmare for one woman in America who was locked up for 8 days in a psych ward and forcibly injected because police and then doctors did not believe she was a businesswoman.

Jamaican-born Kam Brock, a 32-year old former City Banker was driving her BMW through Harlem last September when she was pulled over by an NYPD police officer who claimed that he could smell marijuana.

Despite failing to discover any drugs in the vehicle, her car was impounded and Brock was forced to collect it the next day.

However, what happened next was like something straight out of a horror movie after Brock attempted to explain who she was and verify her ID to the police officers.

Officers claimed she was ’emotionally disturbed’ and then proceeded to have her detained in a mental health facility for 8 days.

In an effort to establish her credibility, and prove that she was who she said she was, Brock explained that she was a businesswoman who even had President Obama following her on Twitter. Despite the fact that both of those statements were later proven to be true, doctors and officers claimed that she was lying and delusional and repeatedly injected her with a cocktail of powerful drugs including lorazepam and lithium. She was also forced to attend group therapy.

In an interview with New York Daily News, she explained: “Next thing you know, the police held onto me, the doctor stuck me with a needle and I was knocked out.

“I woke up to them taking off my underwear and then went out again. I woke up the next day in a hospital robe.”

The most disturbing thing about her case was that it would have been perfectly easy to establish whether Brock was telling the truth.

Police and doctors could have verified her employment history with ease if they had wanted to. Several Instagram photos from her time at Citibank last year are available publicly. They show company emails announcing the most productive personal bankers of the month, a list Brock consistently topped and shared with pride. Astoria Bank is her current employer.

They could also have Googled her name, or made a few phone calls. Instead, in order to be released in the first place, Ms Brock was forced to lie and “state that Obama was not following her on Twitter” in order to be released from Harlem Hospital, according to New York Daily News.

However, the official twitter account for the President of the United States @BarackObama, which follows 644,000 users, does appear to be following her account, @AkilahBrock.

A master treatment plan published by the hospital has helped to support Brock’s story.
It read: “Objective: Patient will verbalize the importance of education for employment and will state that Obama is not following her on Twitter”.

It also notes “patient’s weaknesses: inability to test reality, unemployment.”

When she was finally released and her identity became apparent, no apology was given.

Instead, she was handed a £13,000 medical bill for treatment she did not want – or need – in the first place.

Brock has since filed a lawsuit against New York City Police and Harlem Hospital at Manhattan Federal Court. Both the NYPD and Harlem Hospital has declined to comment.

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