
Young Afghan migrant deported for being mentally disabled

Young Afghan migrant deported for being mentally disabled

It was recently reported that a young child Afghan migrant has been locked up in Coquelles detention center near Calais. He was left without care and without monitoring by the Social Aid for Children while in post-traumatic stress disorder. He was previously imprisoned twice before his psychiatric disorders were diagnosed and where he was then placed under guardianship. He filed[Read More…]

The war of words

The war of words

The crisis in Calais has now got the whole world watching and waiting to see the next course of events that are about to unfold. As a resident living in the town and reporting from inside, things are just about going to escalate in ways that are imaginable. Having recently spoken to Mr Roussel, a local town councilor on the[Read More…]

France deploys 10,000 troops

France deploys 10,000 troops

Over 10,000 troops have been mobilised in France, following the reported shootings in the country. The French Defense Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian announced that army troops will be deployed into the streets to secure “sensitive points”. The soldiers will be deployed to  protect Jewish sites, while the search for co-conspirators is still ongoing. Defence minister, Jean-Yves Le Drian, said: “We[Read More…]

Agenda 21 in Pas de Calais France

Agenda 21 in Pas de Calais France

Agenda 21 was adopted in Pas de Calais unanimously on 30 June 2008. It claims to offer 62 actions for the environment. They stipulate that, “Nobody can deny that today our lifestyle, our way of growth and development is not sustainable for all. Faced with the depletion of natural resources, deterioration of ecosystems to climate change, the disparities between nations[Read More…]

Will 2015 be a year of discontent for the French?

Will 2015 be a year of discontent for the French?

Currently in France there has been a huge increase in the number of people losing their jobs. The economy is not very stable at the moment. People are relying more and more on food banks. Accident and Emergency departments are currently on strike, while doctors have also joined the fight for their rights and refuse to work, including pharmacists. However[Read More…]